Friday, 31 October 2008


What Simpsons character would you be?
From taking the Simpsons personality test, i found that i was mostly likened to NED FLANDERS!!

E-You prefer to direct your energy to deal with people, things, situations
S- You prefer to deal with facts, what you know, to have clarity, a realist in the here & now – for you the force is a tool - a fission screwdriver
F- You prefer to decide using values and/or personal beliefs, letting
J- You prefer your life to be planned in a stable and organised way
Warm hearted individuals who highly value their relationships. Customer focused with the ability to bring out the best of people.
Can be self-sacrificing and may not pay enough attention to their own needs
ESFJ - Supporter

Take a look at this AD........What type of personality does the girl have?

There are many different theories around personality these include:
Brand Personality by J Aaker, 1997.
This is the framework to describe and measure the "personality" of a brand in five core elements.
These are:
Sincerity-Down to Earth, Wholesome and Honest
Excitement- Daring, Spirited and Imaginative
Competance- Reliable, Intelligent
Sophistication- Upper Class, Charming
Tough, Outdoorsy

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

Lovely to see some pictures- some examples of the theory in action