Friday, 31 October 2008


What Simpsons character would you be?
From taking the Simpsons personality test, i found that i was mostly likened to NED FLANDERS!!

E-You prefer to direct your energy to deal with people, things, situations
S- You prefer to deal with facts, what you know, to have clarity, a realist in the here & now – for you the force is a tool - a fission screwdriver
F- You prefer to decide using values and/or personal beliefs, letting
J- You prefer your life to be planned in a stable and organised way
Warm hearted individuals who highly value their relationships. Customer focused with the ability to bring out the best of people.
Can be self-sacrificing and may not pay enough attention to their own needs
ESFJ - Supporter

Take a look at this AD........What type of personality does the girl have?

There are many different theories around personality these include:
Brand Personality by J Aaker, 1997.
This is the framework to describe and measure the "personality" of a brand in five core elements.
These are:
Sincerity-Down to Earth, Wholesome and Honest
Excitement- Daring, Spirited and Imaginative
Competance- Reliable, Intelligent
Sophistication- Upper Class, Charming
Tough, Outdoorsy

Friday, 17 October 2008

Testing Our Perception!

This week the student became the teacher.....leading the lecture with experiements on perception. From choosing favourite coke and chocolate by taste only.... to changing the music on adverts to see how it changes our perception.

What is the Gestalt Theory?!
A definition!
Psychology concept used in training. It proposes that what is 'seen' is what appears to the seer and not what may 'actually be there,' and that the nature of a unified whole is not understood by analyzing its parts. It views learning as a reorganizing of a whole situation (often involving insight as a critical factor) in contrast to the behavioral psychology view that learning consists of associations between stimuli and responses
The Rubin vase shown here is an example of this tendency to pick out form. We don't simply see black and white shapes - we see two faces and a vase.
The Rubin vase shown here is an example of this tendency to pick out form. We don't simply see black and white shapes - we see two faces and a vase.
Take a look at the picture.......what do you see?

The Attractive Presenter!
-an attractive presenter appears with a product; she is wearing a 'conservative' dress;
eye-tracking studies show substantial attention to the product; three days later, brand-name recall is high;
-an attractive presenter appears with a product; she is wearing a 'revealing' dress;
eye-tracking shows most attention on the presenter; brand-name recall is low.

Friday, 10 October 2008


"Perception is the process of sensing, selecting and interpretationg consumer stimuli in an external world" Wilkie (1994)
What makes us buy a product?
All our five senses:taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound add to why we buy different products.
An advertising company will carefully choose what music they have as their backing track on a TV ad, and what colours they use on print in magazines.
They want you to remember what that ad was for, so you then think about whether you want it, or if you can afford it.
There are many different factor which contribute to how and why you buy a certain product, these include: cultural, social, personal and psychological. After these after established the buyer will then go through a process from seeing an ad to buying the product.
This is called the Buyer Decision Process
  1. Need Recognition
  2. Search for Information
  3. Evaluate Alternatives
  4. Purchase Decision
  5. Postpurchase Behaviour

In todays lecture we participated in experiments which incorporated different senses, to see how different social backgrounds, gender or age can change how different products are put across within advertising.

Friday, 3 October 2008

We are....What we have....

The first 30 seconds are the ones that count.
When you walk into an interview, your first day of University or even when your walking down the street, an impression of who you are and what you are like are made by those around you. Stereotypes emerge.....are you well spoken and polite or immature and rude. The clothes you wear and the possesions you have create an image of yourself, to friends, family and even strangers. Who you really are is reflected in every thing you do.

Would everyones intial impression of Kevin and Perry be the same as Sir Alan Sugar??

October 3rd 2008. 'Understanding The Customer'. Ruth Hickmott
In this first lecture gave an insight how first impressions are those that make a lasting impression on everyone that you meet, whether it be the clothes you wear the possessions you have or the way you present yourself. We were all asked to bring in a possession that represents who we are, where a the owner of a black ipod nano was assumed to be a boy from the colour, and style of music although it turned out that it was a girl.

Russell Belk theory suggests that 'We are what we have' this is the basis of how and why customers buy that certain Chanel handbag or the next Ipod Nano. This module 'Understanding The Customer' will explore all of these ideas, and the psychology behind why customers want and buy certains products or services.