Culture is a huge part of society and helps in marketing to know how, where and why to target specific audiences it is one of the final parts in Kotler et al that are cultural factors influencing behaviour.
-People’s perceptions of what is right and wrong
-Family values
-Society’s values and attitudes
-Community learning
-Communal or collective memory
Ralph Linton (1945) suggests that :
`A culture is the configuration of learned behaviour and results of behaviour whose component elements are shared and transmitted by members of a particular society'. In other words its the way people act and the way they do things because of their beliefs.
There are 3 main components when it comes to culture, these are:
1. Beliefs, these are processes which reflect knowledge and assessment of products and services, this could be environmental issues like recycable goods.
2. Values, this is what makes us act in certain ways because of what we believe in
3. Customs, modes of behaviour that constitute culturally approved or acceptable ways of behaving in specific situations.
There are many things that can affect culture and beliefs, this can include things like language, law and politics, education, values and attitudes, technology and aesthetics. Culture can then lead to the things that we do in our ordinary family life, it affects family dining, television viewing and different customs.

Shameless on Channel 4 is a programme about a derived part of Manchester, with a dad who is always drunk or on drugs, the younger kids get taken by social services, there are scenes of drugs, drink and scandalous behaviour. This is for viewers of working class status, and would not be seen suitable for higher class people.
Status and demographics can help companies to target their products there are a range of of supermarkets that will target a specific market, for example Asda, they use the idea of the 'rollback' to make products as cheap as possible for customers however Waitrose have a different direction making sure all products are locally sourced and of great quality leading to higehr priced products.
ASDA 'RUNNER' advert